Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 032 - Remove Your Blocks and Move Forward With Your Life



Everyone wants to move on, as quickly as they can, into 2017. I am right there with you. I am looking forward to this year ending and a fresh new year starting. But something I am also focusing on right now is clearing up the remainder of the blocks I am facing in my life right now. You see for me, and many other people, 2016 has been all about letting go of what doesn't serve me to make room for all the things that are waiting to come in. One if the fastest ways to do that is by releasing that blocks that are caught-up in my energetic system that are keeping me in the energy of the past.   Episode 32 is all about blocks, what they are, how they occur and who you can begin to release them. Blocks keep you stuck and keep you repeating unwanted patterns and undesirable situations in your life. Until you are able to effectively release them, they will continue to show up over and over again and prevent you from truly doing and being exactly what you are meant to.   Be sure to download the FREE "Life Creation For