Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 010: Negativity - The 10-Ton Weight That Will Sink Your Success



“Negativity perpetuates itself, breeds dissatisfaction and clutters the mind. And when the mind is cluttered with negativity, success and happiness are much harder to come by.” From television to social media to conversations at work, we are being constantly bombarded with negativity. But if you truly want to have business that thrives and a life worth living, it’s crucial to avoid the traps that can suck you in and distract you from your goals. Learn how to cut out the various things that are weighing you down and start focusing on ways of bringing value to others and ourselves. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you’re liking what you’re hearing from us, PLEASE help spread the word. Tell your friends, family...even your enemies. But also subscribe in iTunes and write us a quick review. This is what will help us rise above the noise and get in the ears of more people who need our help. Thanks for your support! Special thanks to Pete Yorn for graciously allowing us to use his song “Life On A Chain” as our intro and outro