Lyme Voice Radio, Discussing Your Lyme Disease Journey With Aaron & Sarah Sanchez

116 Use Your Mind To Heal Your Mold & Lyme with Dr. Diane Mueller



Mysterious and unrecognized symptoms can leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused about what protocols to implement, whom to trust and where to put your resources.Dr. Diane Mueller believes that "there is NO one size fits all in medicine" and that different people respond to different therapies and approaches. She speaks from both experience and education!This episode is packed with practical advice about:-Doctor Hopping-"When to hop and when to stop."-Mindset (Fight) + Action (Heal)-Medical PTSD-Reacting vs. Responding-Decision Fatigue-Pulsating Microbials-Social Isolation-Pathological responses that impact your cortisol levels-Creating a HEALTHY internal dialogue (One of my favorite topics)Since restoring her own health and recovering from neurological Lyme disease she utilizes these insights to help patients that are stuck, confused, and suffering.Her "Super-Power" (or super skill) is that she empowers patients to "ask the right questions." If you can learn to ASK, advocate and implement, you will begin