Lyme Voice Radio, Discussing Your Lyme Disease Journey With Aaron & Sarah Sanchez

065 Tools For Overcoming Lyme Disease Symptoms



  In This Episode: (Snippet)   Get Back To Living Life"Without-Pain" Tackling Lyme like Cancer with Author Jennifer Heath. Using a Life Coach and Finding Tools To Heal like the MINDSET that says "Life is happening FOR me and not TO me." And also how to form a deeper appreciation for all of life.  Autonomic Response Testing or A.R.T. gives you guidance on how to treat your body specifically, takes away the guessing game, helps to detect foods/medications that aren't helpful.  Ionic Foot Baths and how helpful they are to people with the MTHFR genes. Alkaline Water  Gerson Therapy (The POWER of juicing and coffee enemas) Deep Tissue Massage The Importance Of Enzymes Colloidal Silver Hydrogen Peroxide IV's In This Episode: (Expanded)    How To Live A Normal Life"Without-Pain"; Author Jenifer Heath:   Jennifer Heath is the #1 International Best-Selling Author of the eye-opening book Overcoming Lyme Disease and founder of the Overcoming Lyme Disease Academy. She has been featured