Lyme Voice Radio, Discussing Your Lyme Disease Journey With Aaron & Sarah Sanchez

032 Janice Fairbairn "A Mother's Lyme Fight" Part 2 !



Janice am a 41 year old married, mother of 2. I discovered I had LYME disease about 3 years ago when I crashed against a wall HARD. I apparently had the slow workings of Lyme for over a decade because I gave everything I had to both my kids in the womb. They had been sick since birth and we had no idea what was going on with them. So in discovering my LYME, we figured out the kids had it too -- actually we all had borellia, babesia, bartonella, West Nile Virus, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, micoplasma and parasites. It has been a hard road, one that almost took my life as I hovered under 85 lbs, but it is one that has taught us all great life lessons and strengthened our faith. In my life before LYME, I was a marketing/researcher. Now that I'm climbing out of the hole, God has compelled me to gather information about healing LYME and distribute it to those it can help. Email  Amazon author page - Facebook -