Dynamic Business Women

Are you a Fitpreneur?



You are running your business and you need to run your body like a business as well! Our guest Nikki Fodgen-Moore the founder of The Vitality Coach. With over 2 decades experience in bringing both Personal and Commercial vitality to life. Known as the Mojo Maker Author, Speaker and Global Coach, Nikki Fogden-Moore specialises in working with CEO's, entrepreneurs and high achievers in creating the life they want.  In this podcast you will learn; 3.03 The drive behind why Nikki started her own business 4.14 What the magic number of years in business is for success and the gambles Nikki took in business that really paid off 11.34 Fitpreneur - your health is your wealth! This book was written for people wanting to do things in life. Learn why I love this handbook soooooo very very much! 15.49 Why your health is important to your success and how to negotiate for it 17.53 How not to fall into the trap of ignoring your health, when you are caught up in the hustle of your business. 19.27 The 1% rule when you think y