Dynamic Business Women

How To Use Facebook Lives To Grow Your Business



Facebook lives is HUGE right now and not going anywhere. Video streaming is on the rise and will grow to more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic by 2020…. thats HUGE!  Holly Gillen from Holly G Studios explains everything you need to know about using Facebook Lives to grow and market you business In this podcast you will learn; 1.45 why video is so important to your business in the online space 3.31 When people think video they immediately think that they need to put their face on the camera, that's just not the case. There  are so many different types of videos that you can start creating now that will warm up your audience until you start to get comfortable getting in front of the camera 4.35 Facebook lives is HUGE right now and not going anywhere. Video streaming is on the rise and will grow to more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic by 2020…. thats HUGE!  5.30 The difference between FaceBook lives and pre-recorded videos and how they effect your social media engagement 6.15 Dealing with a n