Dynamic Business Women

Episode #3 - Kate Savage - Business Plans and babies



My role at the beginning of the year was as Client Services Director at a creative agency. I was uninspired and frustrated with decisions that didn't reflect my values or employee management ethos, but didn't want to leave my teams 'on their own'. I set to work to make all the changes I knew would set the team up for a fair start, and left - every single message on the leaving card said 'thank you' :) I had a lightbulb moment walking to work one day - halfway over Pyrmont Bridge - when I realised Coaching was what I wanted to do. I had no qualifications only experience, no real understanding of the industry but I knew, I just knew, that this was it.  I handed in my notice and left my high paying job with the aim of starting my own business as a Coach & Mentor.  I went back ‘to school’ (which I was never very good at the first time round!), but excelled as I knew the subject, I was good at it and I was soaking it all up and then using the information immediately in my coaching assignments