Creating Space With Christine Kathryn

EP27: Prepare for a Joyful Season



In this episode, I tackle the final 7 weeks of the year which we traditionally refer to as "the holiday season”. The hustle and bustle and pace of this time of year tends to sap the joy out of the season for many folks. I am proposing that it doesn’t have to be this way. If we pause and become mindful, pay attention and consciously create a season that brings about the feelings we want to feel, it can be a more joy-filled time for all of us. I share five questions you can use to help you get curious and ask yourself as you begin scheduling your time and alloting your funds toward the season’s festivities. I also share three ways that a shift in approaching the season can actually create space for you during and after the holidays. This message is timely any time of the year so, Join me now as we begin to create space...