Beer Busters

Episode 35: Who Framed Lager Rabbit



Tom Scoglio, brewer at Golden Avalanche in Kutztown, PA, left a long brew day to drop by the Beer Busters Podcast Basement. We kicked off this episode by cracking open a bottle of w00tstout 2.0, which, at 13.5% ABV, set the stage for an evening full of shennanigans. Amongst the tom-foolery (pun intended) we chatted about the brewery, how Tom got his start there, their 15th anniversary beer and plans to head to GABF this year. Dan gave us a news run-down, There’s Weird in My Beer returned in Happy Fun Time, Steph gave us the deets (or ‘tails, for the cool kids) on IPLs in Know Your Beers and we sampled some Golden Avalanche brews.