Revolutionary Spirituality




What do Penn State and the Catholic Church Have in Common? With the arrest of Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State Football Defensive Coordinator, on molestation charges, and the subsequent scandal that rocked the renowned college football establishment, many asked how could this have been allowed to happen and why didn't anyone at Penn State stop it. Many have also asked how the years of sexual abuse could have been allowed to go unstopped in the Catholic Church as well. My guest was be Gary Laderman, Chair of the Department of Religion, Co-Director of the Graduate Division of Religion, and Professor of American Religious History and Cultures at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia. We discussed an article that Gary wrote for the online publication Religion Dispatches entitled: "Betraying a Sacred Trust: From Penn State to Dover Air Force Base". We talked about the "religion" of big money sports, particularly football, and the similarities between what was allowed to happen at Penn State and what was allowed to