Revolutionary Spirituality

Revolutionary Spirituality: U.S. to Gaza - The Audacity of Hope



On May 31, the one year anniversary of the Israeli attack on the unarmed passengers in last year's International Peace Flotilla that killed nine people aboard the Mavi Marmara, including an 18-year old U.S. citizen of Turkish descent named Furkan Dogan, organizers for the U.S. Boat to Gaza announced that they are expecting some 50 people to be aboard The Audacity of Hope, a U.S. flagged boat, that will be a part of the International Freedom Flotilla II that will sail from a port in the Mediterranean in late June and travel to Gaza. Aboard the boat will be US citizens from many different backgrounds, ages, and communities across the United States. Four passengers will be travelling from the Pacific Northwest on The Audacity of Hope, one of those passengers, Erin DeRamus, is my guest on today's program. Erin is currently a resident of Portland, OR, a practitioner and instructor of acupuncture and qigong (a meditative movement practice for internal cultivation), and the last few years she has worked in public he