Revolutionary Spirituality

Revolutionary Spirituality: The "Ground Zero" Mosque Controversy



In the midst of the uproar and protests that have surrounded the plans by developers in New York City to build what has been dubbed the "Ground Zero" Mosque, more than 30 Southern California religious leaders gathered on August 20th in downtown Los Angeles to show their support for the project, despite widespread opposition. Leaders representing more than a dozen faiths, including Jews, Muslims, Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Baptists, Quakers, Universalists, Mormons and Sufis, held a news conference in front of the Islamic Center of Southern California and issued an open letter warning that "the growing 'fear and hysteria' over the New York mosque is un-American and based on a distortion of the facts." Stephen Rohde, along with members from Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace, participated in a Los Angeles gathering in support of the controversial "Ground Zero" Mosque. We will be discussing that gathering and the mission of the organization, as well as the perspective of the