Entrepreneurs Living Wealthy | Motivation & Strategies For Small Business Owners!

019 Underground Music and Serial Entrepreneur - AJ Joshi



I am because we are, that’s what makes TSN successful… Everyone wants to climb their way to the top but we do it together. It’s about unity, it always has been and always will be. Skeelo worked extremely hard to help make Major Fm a success and Adz worked hard to prove that we could become UK’s largest independent record store. Omar & Faisal in Six2, Uzma in Sculpt Beauty, Tom in GG, Hamoodi in Go Eating, Shen & Azam in FT, Deven & Krupa in Incipio Academy, Brandon, Pharoah, Tasmin, Christina in Sivvr - and the list goes on. Remember there is no “I” in TEAM. Together we can believe and achieve.   http://www.ajjoshi.com/ http://sivvr.com/ http://www.twitter.com/tsn http://www.twitter.com/sivvr http://www.twitter.com/aj http://www.twitter.com/givemeonewish