Old Guard Audio

Montage on Illegal Immigration by Bill Clinton - Harry Reid - Tim Kaine - Hillary Clinton - Barack Hussein Obama



Montage on Illegal Immigration by Bill Clinton - Harry Reid - Tim Kaine - Hillary Clinton - Barack Hussein Obama Can you say, Hypocrite? Montage on Illegal Immigration by Bill Clinton - Harry Reid - Tim Kaine - Hillary Clinton - Barack Hussein Obama 0-00 all Americans not only in the state's 0-02 most heavily affected but in every place 0-03 in this country are rightly disturbed by 0-05 the large numbers of illegal aliens 0-08 entering our country the jobs they hold 0-11 might otherwise be held by citizens or 0-13 legal immigrants the public service they 0-15 use impose burdens on our taxpayers 0-17 that's why our administration has moved 0-19 aggressively to secure our borders more 0-21 by hiring a record number of new border 0-23 guards by deporting twice as many 0-25 criminal aliens as ever before by 0-28 cracking down on illegal hiring by 0-30 borrowing welfare benefits to illegal 0-32 aliens in the budget I will present to 0-35 you we will try to do more to speed the 0-37 deportation of illegal aliens w