Start The Beat With Sikes

Start The Beat 068: JOSH BAKAITUS



For the 68th episode I sat down with Josh Bakaitus and chances are if you are involved in the Pittsburgh music scene you already know who Josh is but for those of you who don’t Josh is a local concert promoter who has been putting events together for over 15 years including the Strip District Music Fest which is coming up on Saturday January 16th. If you don’t know what theStrip District Music Fest is don’t worry because me and Josh are going to talk a lot about it a lot today… as well as diving into some history lessons about his origins as a show promoter and a lot, lot more. Much like myself, Josh is really passionate person when it comes to his job and the local music scene and this is a great conversation. Sit back, relax and lets START THE BEAT!    LINKS RELATED TO THIS CONVERSATION: SDMF WBSITE: stripdistrictmusicfest.comSDMF EVENT PAGE: ON FACEBOOK: ON TWITTER: SIKES TWITTER: