Start The Beat With Sikes

Start The Beat 002: TIM INDYK



For the second episode of my new podcast I sat down with my friendly pal Tim for an intense conversation about being a promotor with goals & aspirations bigger than your average DIY joe. We also talk about the struggles of being an artist and getting your name "out there" countered with some potential solutions to these problems. (We're still working it out ourselves so don't take it from us) Defintley recommend this episode for anyone involved in a local music scene because Tim's views may give you a new perspective on things... or they might just piss you off. Only one way to find out... START THE BEAT! *Some words from Tim about the episode to note: " I don't really feel like starting a war with Roboto/DIY scene people. I don't agree with the attitude I used in talking about it all. People do what they do and that's totally cool. I just don't want this conversation taken out of context when I don't really feel the same way I did a month or so ago, when I had more ambition and when my argument was fresh