Inspiring Mama | A Happiness Podcast For Moms & Dads

Dreams, Desire, & Dirty Houses - Why Desire Can Change Everything | Ep 20



Get 10 Free Happiness Lesson Videos – The Treat Yourself Challenge Do you often work to "not get your hopes up"? Do you keep your dreams distant because you think they are crazy or impossible? Host Lauren Fire shares how she has been neglecting her own desire and what she is doing to change that. Learn about the power of desire and dreaming, and how you could be holding yourself back. Even dreaming about something as simple as a clean house can propel you into the direction you want to go. Too many of us stop ourselves from dreaming and wanting becuase we don't understand the "how". We think: If I don't see how I can ever get another job, I can't dream of a better one. I don't see how I can afford a better house, so why even dream of one? Or we don't believe we can do it. We think: I've never been able to keep my house clean, why dream of a clutter-free home. Learn how not to listen to the critical voices in your head that keep you thinking small. And learn why just allowing yourself to dream and desire, apar