

Most people don't know that you can reduce the size, appearance and sensitivity of your scar.  Scar tissue doesn't have to be ugly and disfiguring.   Scars don't have to be painful to the touch.  You can reduce the size, appearance and the sensitivity of the scar. The secret is reducing the binding of the scar tissue by getting circulation into and around it and loosening up the binding fibers of the scar tissue.  Massage and deep tissue work and stretching loosen up the binded fibers which lessens the pain and makes the scar tissue less raised.  Myfoascial release is very effectiive in breaking down scar tissue.  Its easy.  Just perform deep tissue massage and stretching and break up the adhesions and binding of the scar to reduce the size and appearance of it.  By getting circulation into the scar, you will reduce the pain/sensitivity of it.