French Blabla

Ep22 - How to say "I'm excited" like a native



Welcome to the twenty-second episode of the French Blabla podcast where we will cover tips to increase your fluency while boosting your way of learning. In episode 4, we talked about risque pronunciation and English words that translated poorly in French. If you haven't listened to this episode or if you don't remember, I suggest you go listen. Today, we're going to focus on one of these phrases "I'm excited". It's commonly translated word for word and it's something you should stay away from. Listen to today's episode to discover how to translate "I'm excited" like a native. Stay tuned! In this Episode Sound like a native No more embarrassment A cheat sheet to download with the tips from today’s episode   Share what you're excited about in the comment section Do you have any other phrases or puzzling words that you struggle with? What are you excited about in your life? Don’t hesitate to share with me in the comment section. Music by