Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

Episode 122 - Learn about 2018 TAX REFORM and how it will impact you



Not since 1986, have we seen major changes to tax legislation. Mark Patten and Mandy Thiebaud are CPA’s with McKinnon Patten in Dallas. They joined us in the podcast to explain what changes you can expect as a real estate investor. Mark expands on SECTION 199A. (QUALIFIED BUSINESS INCOME DEDUCTION) This is the biggest tax break afforded to small business owners in 30 years; it benefits owners/investors of pass-thru entities and needs to be understood when you invest in real estate. Mandy discusses SECTION 179 and COST SEGREGATION and 1031-EXCHANGES and if any changes were made with the new legislation. Please contact your CPA or financial advisor for further clarification on how the new tax reform legislation will impact you. To contact Mandy or Mark: www.mckcpas.com or 214 696 1922 Mandy Thiebaud, CPA mandy@mckcpas.com Mark Patten, CPA mpatten@mckcpas.com To receive our FREE 15 page WHITE PAPER REPORT on the 2018 FUNDAMENTALS OF MULTIFAMILY FINANCING 101 and to learn more about upcoming events at Old Cap