Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

Episode 118 - 2017 Year End Review and “GET IN THE GAME” in 2018



You don’t want to miss this presentation. Paul Peebles & Fritz Waldvogel will be in Northern California on January 9th to discuss: “How to you qualify for a FANNIE MAE NON-RECOURSE apartment loan?” Be sure to register at: https://www.meetup.com/Los-Gatos-Real-Estate-Networking-Meetup/ To receive our FREE 15 page WHITE PAPER REPORT on the 2017 FUNDAMENTALS OF MULTIFAMILY FINANCING 101 and to learn more about upcoming events at Old Capital Speaker Series please visit us at OldCapitalPodcast.com Are you interested in learning more about how Multifamily Syndications work? Please visit www.spiadvisory.com to learn about Michael's Real Estate Syndication business with SPI Advisory LLC.