Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

Episode 103 - YOU CAN own an apartment building and STILL keep your full time job



Mit Scott and Greg Ford are business partners in the ownership of a large apartment building in Irving, Texas. They originally started with purchasing single family homes, then became passive investors in other people’s transactions and now own a large apartment building- while still maintaining their full time jobs. Ricardo asked Mit: What appealed to you most about multifamily in comparison to single family? Mit thought that you could create ‘greater value’ in a multifamily acquisition than in a single family purchase. Your house is going to be worth relatively the same as your neighbor’s home regardless of the finish out or appliances. Your home value will be based on other closed sales of similar homes in the submarket. In the multifamily arena, the value of that business is based on how much income you can generate. The higher the Net Operating Income (NOI) the greater the value you will create on your apartment investment. Mit gives an example on how they created additional value by giving tenants the o