Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

Episode 92 - Newbies #1 - Buying your first deal



Buying your first apartment building is the hardest.   The second and third become substantially less stressful and much easier …because you have created a “team template” for successfully closing an apartment transaction.  You have put your team together.   You have your banker, attorney, broker, insurance professional, third party property management company & physical inspector or engineer.  Just like the general manager of a baseball team…you cannot play without players…  You cannot close without a support group. Gary & Heidi Young bought their first apartment building a few months ago.  They wanted to start off with a small property so that they could own and manage themselves.   Gary & Heidi knew that owning and investing in apartment building you would need specialized education. Before they invested in real estate, they invested in education.   Gary & Heidi knew that owning and investing in apartment buildings you needed specialized education.  They joined a local education and mentori