Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

Episode 86 - This Buyer is a ‘Hands On & Bottom Line’ type of guy



Mike Spotts just closed on a stabilized 94 unit apartment building. Mike grew up in Plano and attended Texas State University. He was in the high technology business and wanted to transition into real estate. Mike started buying duplexes and single family homes. Mike was equity rich with a 13 homes, but was liquidity poor. He decided to sell his homes and raise liquidity to buy apartments.  Mike is a big fan of multifamily education and mentoring. That was his first investment. He invested in himself with apartment education. Mike had passively invested in 3 separate apartment partnerships before he felt ready to ‘lead’ his own transaction. His first transaction is a property called Agave Villas Apartments in Irving, Texas. Mike liked the submarket and condition of the asset. The property is near a high school. During due diligence, Mike and his team found a huge water leak. Hundreds of gallons were flowing down the drain every day. When fixed, that one line expense item saved them thousands. Additionally, Mi