Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

Episode 81 - The Passive Income Physician



Thomas & Timothy Black are brothers and principals at Napali Capital, LLC.   Napali Capital acquires and operates Class B & C apartments. Tim recently retired as the chief operating officer for GREAT WOLF LODGE corporation.  Tom is currently an EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTOR that also helps physicians and other high-income professional overcome career crisis by teaching them how to expand their personal net worth through passive income real estate.  What a combination! These brothers have something going for themselves.   Why should doctors look into investing in commercial real estate?  Tom reflects on the high rate of burn out with critical care professionals.  In the last three years…6 in 10 emergency room doctors are burned out with the excessive amount of hours worked, government intervention, lawsuits, patient satisfaction and declining insurance reimbursement.  Tom acknowledges that physicians have high income, but they have limited personal net worth. Typically, physicians are not financially savvy due