Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

Episode 73 - Working together we will accomplish more!



Lane Beene and Jason Hull are heroes. Lane is a current US AIR FORCE- F16 pilot and owns apartments. Jason is a former NAVY SEAL and now finances apartments. Business is like combat and you need the right team members you can trust. Both owe their outstanding military success to being able to count on good teammates. Things you will learn: Jason: Every day is a game day. Going through BUDS, Jason never thought he would ring the bell to quit. 16 people in a SEAL TEAM and everyone has a role and a responsibility. As a team leader…”calm is very contagious.” You will never have the perfect plan…but you must make a decision and work with your team. Lane: Every mission is important and all teammates play critical roles. No tolerance for mistakes. Surround yourself with teammates with high creditability and capability. Rely upon the whole team, not just one individual. America is still the land of opportunity, don’t forget that we live in the best country. To grow, you must rely on other people. To receive our FREE