Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

Online Business Ecosystem Building - Phase 3 Scaling



It's time to rapidly scale the one program you have been focusing on during phase 1 and phase 2. You have proven that you can sell this offering organically, you have built a community and now it's time to turn up the volume on your marketing to make your offering wildly profitable. This is where many entrepreneurs abandon ship and hit the reset button because this phase forces them to get really uncomfortable especially with their role inside of the company. The focus here is on the implementation of the Dream 100 and a solid paid traffic strategy to quickly monetize your offering. Hiring the right people and getting the right systems in place to delegate work to them is critical (and essential) during this time. ___________________ Are you wondering if your social media marketing is even working? Are you posting and hearing crickets? For a limited time I am offering customized Social Media and Marketing Snapshots for $27. These are a 2 - 3 page action plan designed specifically for your business. Grab yours