Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

How To Gain Organic Reach On Facebook In 2020



I often hear people say organic reach is dead on Facebook Pages. . I would contend the people who are saying that aren’t creating content that resonates with their ideal client. So today I’ll share how to increase organic reach on your Facebook page.  1 - Create Macro Content For Facebook Specifically - I highly recommend creating either Facebook lives or uploading your videos directly to facebook. Facebook favors content that keeps people on their platform so by creating a Facebook Live which is native to facebook you increase your reach.  2 - Encourage engagement - I see so many people post but neglect to ask people to engage. It may seem a bit silly but you have to actually tell people what to do. For example if you want them to comment or answer a question tell them to do so.  3 - Do Interviews with other people - Interviews are a great way to create cross promotion on your page especially when the interviewee has your ideal client hanging out in their audience. This works great for you to increase organi