Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

All the Things Facebook Ads - What you need to know to run Facebook Ads in 2020



I'm going on a RAAAANNNNTTTT! Let's talk all the things Facebook ADS. In the past two weeks alone I've heard at least 6 horror stories about running Facebook Ads. I’ve been told everything from using the ads manager's landing page to collecting payments for themselves to the person having no access to the ad account and everything in between. It’s been a crazy past two weeks with the amount of horror stories that I’ve heard. So I'm going to get down and dirty and give you Facebook Ads 101 and what you need to know to be successful with ads in 2019, 2020 and BEYOND. I was chatting with someone who told me that I had to share this will everyone, and help educate you on how to run Facebook ads and what the proper protocol is when you hire someone to run them for you. The biggest thing to understand when you want to run ads is that they’re only one piece of a bigger ecosystem. If you’re not hyper clear around who your ideal client is, you aren’t going to be able to get the results that you want. If you have no au