Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#56: The fastest way to grow your LGBT (or allied) business that you’ve been overlooking [Podcast]



  Today's podcast episode is going to cover the ripple effect that supplier diversity opportunities can have on ​your​ business, whether or you are part of the LGBT community or an ally to the LGBT community. It doesn't matter if you are a diverse supplier or if you are selling to corporate - no matter what your business there is a world of opportunities that you are probably overlooking completely! Who doesn't want access to new opportunities to expand and grow your business? I don't think many people would say no to that. Today's episode will talk about all of the ways your business can benefit and grow as a result of these opportunities. You don't want to miss it. Links mentioned in today' post: Set up a call with me! Today's episode NGLCC Website    Listen to the episode by clicking the play button below! Would you prefer to read the transcript than listen to the episode? No problem! Read the transcript below. AUDIO TITLE:  Episode #56 – Supplier Diversity Jenn T Grace: You are listening to the Gay Bus