Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#27: Duck Dynasty, A&E and Cracker Barrel: A Case Study [Podcast]



Welcome to episode #27 of the Gay Business & Marketing Made Easy Podcast! This episode is going to look at Duck Dynasty, A&E and Cracker Barrel as a case study that you can learn from. I am going to frame up the whole conversation by breaking it down into 5 digestible parts that highlight the controversy, the different sides to the story and the immediate outcome for the show. So here are today's show notes, which are more lengthy than usual. Enjoy! Listen to the episode by clicking the play button below. Episode 27 - (1/23/14) - Duck Dynasty, A&E and Cracker Barrel: A Case Study You'll see now that I am using "Professional Lesbian" as an official title. I've jokingly called myself this for years, but after a recent experience at New Media Expo in Las Vegas at the beginning of this month I realized introducing myself as a professional lesbian and explaining that "I teach straight people how to market to gay people" really got a solid reaction. The next webinar is on Feb. 19th at 1PM My next webina