Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#26: Storytelling with Kristen Kavanaugh [Podcast]



Welcome to episode #26 of the Gay Business & Marketing Made Easy Podcast! You'll note that I made a few changes to the podcast artwork to the left here. Rather than calling my interviews 'Expert Interviews' I have changed it to 'Storytelling with...' The more I listened to my own shows I realized that I really am helping share someones story and this title seems more appropriate. This episode will sound a little different in the opening because I was recording it live from Las Vegas at the New Media Expo conference but the remaining interview with Kristen has fabulous sound quality. :) Kristen was a great guest with some really keen insights to share so I hope you enjoy it! Listen to the episode by clicking the play button below. Below are the items mentioned in this episode of the podcast. #014: Expert Interview with Mike Brooks Mike Brook's Podcast - Nuclear Chowder Marketing 'The Road to TED' interview by Mike Brooks with Kristin Kavanaugh Kristin's TED Talk Don't Ask, Don't Tell Military Accepta