Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

Are you Living a Little Life?



On the show today, I'm talking about how the language we use creates our reality. From the verbal language we use, to the non-verbal, the 'language' we use to speak to ourselves, about ourselves, makes a difference to our levels of ability, confidence and sense of self. And ultimately; creates our reality. As a Master NLP Practitioner, I'm fascinated by the way linguistics and language creates both positive and negative effects on us. I noticed it recently when a friend was telling me about her flourishing new business, and described it as her 'little' business. I hear it a lot, and it's predominantly language that women use; the 'little's, the 'just's; we don't own our contribution to something incredible. On the show I share: The narratives we are fed as kids as how they shape our adult world How apologetic vs. unapologetic language affects us - did you know that women are 4 x more likely to use apologetic language! How the language we use can change the way we take ownership of blame, and add unnecessary