Pushing The Edge With Greg Curran

Permission to Take Risks with Michelle Snyder and Victoria Curtis - PTE019



In this episode, getting authentic with our reading and writing, plus giving ourselves permission to branch out beyond our comfort zones, doing what's best for students.   But that's not all - We've also got the Lightning Round where we're pushing the edges of mindset, branching out, resistance and the collective.   And to bring us home, Michelle Snyder and Victoria Curtis have advice to their younger selves. EPISODE RUN-DOWN Getting permission to take risks Personalizing student learning (3:00 min mark); Common Core vs Romeo and Juliet vs Science Fiction (4:19) Personalizing when you have so many students to teach (6:57); It's about mindset (8:52) Breaking away from Comfy and Safe (11:56); Creating the conditions for permission (14:20) Creating trust with leaders (17:25); Transformation District-wise (18:58); From control to 'take risks' (22:09) Giving Permission to ourselves to take risks (23:11) Getting clear about what's best for our students (24:40) The battle with our mindset (26:25) Pushing