Sports Mastery

149. How To Develop Confidence...



Confidence in Sports Confidence defined: Believing that you can successfully perform a desired behavior or act. For example: “I have confidence to perform that jump shot.”Confidence actually has a direct correlation/link to success, but not saying they cause one another – instead there is a relationship between the two. Another definition of confidence: A person’s belief that they can do whatever it takes to be successful In their sport (Williams & Krane, 2014, p. 275) Confident athletes and even any performer believes in themselves, their ability to handle tasks and challenges – often you can see their confidence by the way they walk, their demeanor or body language. Building confidence: How? Before we begin on the how… confidence does not happen by chance instead athlete/performer/individual goes through a process at which athlete must commit and persist. Goals, strategies, and focus needs to be set, but first an athlete needs to choose confidence. Also take advantage of mental skills like goal settin