Sports Mastery

141. How To Have A Positive Attitude



HOW TO HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE...   A positive attitude--optimism, expectancy, and enthusiasm--makes everything in academics, sport, and life easier. A positive attitude will fuel you when you're down and supercharge you when you're already "in the zone." Here's how to cultivate a positive attitude, regardless of what's happening at school, practice, or at home: #1 Link positivity, creativity and attention. In addition to physical benefits, a positive attitude produces a “broad, flexible cognitive organization and ability to integrate diverse material.”  These effects improve your attention, creativity, and ability to learn. Positive emotions also improve a person’s ability to cope with minimal playtime, upsets, and a difficult coach.   #2 Reframe negative moments as positive ones. Take time to reflect on your latest bouts with negative self-talk. Spend some time reframing these negative self-discussions in a way where you can get positive emotions out of these experiences. For example, if you experienced y