Sports Mastery

128. Defining Leadership with Benjamin Wax, PhD



The word “leadership” gets thrown around a lot. Recruiters, parents, and coaches rant about leadership and how the Student-Athlete needs to be a leader. What many do not understand, is that leadership is something that must be learned and developed. Yes, leadership is incredibly important in a Student-Athlete, but it is not something that happens overnight. Dr. Benjamin Wax is a strategic leadership specialist with the John Maxwell Team and winner of several powerlifting and bodybuilding titles. Dr. Wax understands the proven principles that create a great leader who is exemplified through their words and actions. Dr. Wax’s academic background includes a Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi and Masters from Mississippi State University. He has conducted extensive research studies, published numerous scholarly works and spoken at numerous regional and national events. Listen and learn why leadership is so closely linked with influence. You’ll also discover the immense impactof leadership, the levels of l