Sports Mastery

124. How To Eliminate The Hindrance Of FEAR



After listening to this episode, you’ll understand that same lesson, how to eliminate this fear and how to help youR Student-Athlete grow in the process. RJ Hodges is a best-selling author, speaker, coach and empowerment entrepreneur who’s list of titles include: Mission Unstoppable, You Can’t Practice At The Game, The Art of Mastering You Volume One and an audio book series called Winner Status. RJ reminds us that fear, life-balance, self-confidence, organization, and planning, weave a delicate web among the lives of the successful Student-Athletes. To make it work you’ll need to learn how to take control of your life so that your life doesn’t control you. This calls for strategies, appreciation, and understanding. Want to be able to help your Student-Athlete get rid of their anger and emotional mood swings? Have them listen to this episode with you. Their expanding mind can overcome fear, increase confidence and improve prioritization. Lastly, I want every parent, coach, and Student-Athlete to read the foll