Sports Mastery




MOST STUDENT-ATHLETES FAIL BECAUSE THEY DON'T BECOME A STUDENT OF THE GAME.  There’s so much that can come out of watching game film, whether it’s learning your game, analyzing a offense/defense, or studying each and every move of your opponent. It’s often practiced at all levels of athletics from high school to the professional level but taken more seriously at the collegiate and professional level.  Studying Yourself  Analyzing and breaking down your own game is very important. It can separate an average athlete from a good athlete and a good athlete  from a great athlete. It’s imperative to know what you’re really good at and where you need to strive to make improvements. Pay attention to things like your defense, the release point of your shot, sprinting back on defense and things of that nature. When you get better at the little nuances of the game, you’ll be surprised at the major impact it makes.   Getting tips from watching some of the best players in the world can also be beneficial as well. Just li