Sports Mastery

81: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Of Early Sport Specialization



THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY OF EARLY SPORT SPECIALIZATION   In this episode, we discuss sport specialization. What is sport specialization? When did it start? Why? How is it trending? What are the harmful side effects of early sport specialization. Does early specialization promote long-term success in sports? Will we ever see another Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders, Jackie Robinson, or Jim Brown? In what sports are there exceptions? Why is strength & conditioning of vital importance? MYTH 1. Most college athletes specialized in one sport as a child. 2. The only way for my child to be "good enough" is for him/her to focus specifically on one sport early in life. 3. Children need to play their sport year-round to avoid getting out of shape. 4. Kids who spend their time learning one sport as a child are more likely to stay active throughout their adult lives. 5. The only way to develop skills in a sport is to adopt that sport early and spend time training to be better in that specific sport. 6. The only way to le