Twenty Minute Tims

TRAILER - Project Rebuild



Things this season have gone badly wrong and it feels like the end of an era at Celtic. The managers has departed following a disasterous campaign.The chief executive has announced he is standing down and handing over the reigns to an incoming CEO. The first team lead by an ageing captain look to have many key players on their way out of the club. There’s no doubt the next couple of months are going to see a lot of upheaval, a rebuild of the club from the boardroom and into the match day squad. Over the next weeks and months we will be looking forward to Celtic's rebuild with a series of feature podcasts which we’re calling “Project Rebuild”. These will include include professional scouting of all the positions we think the club need to fill next season, establishing transfer targets and reporting back on each of targets. Interviews with industry professionals in football operations to shine a light on how Celtic need to move forward and what appointments need made and what those