Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 50: Jack Bosch The Art of Wholesaling Land



We are changing it up on a bit on today’s episode of Real Estate Investing Profit Masters. Usually we’re talking about flipping and wholesaling houses, apartments, even storage units. But today’s podcast is all about land. That’s right – just land. Wholesaling land is going to be a game changer for those of us looking for a new way to invest and sell. And it’s going to appeal to a lot of us because the profits are unbelievable! Jack Bosch is my guest today because he’s a land wholesaling wizard. He’s developed a winning real estate investment strategy that he’s going to discuss today. He’s an amazing teacher and mentor that helps investors all over the country learn how to make huge profits wholesaling land to other investors looking to build. Imagine getting lots for less than 20 cents on the dollar! That’s the beautiful knowledge that Jack is going to drop today. We know that the real estate scene is constantly evolving, and as real estate investors, we all want to keep up. Wholesaling land works just like