Inner Chief Podcast

56. Mastery Of Money Guru Adam Carroll On Owners Mentality And Building A Bigger Life



In this week’s episode we meet Mastery of Money Guru Adam Carroll. Adam is an internationally recognized financial literacy expert, author and speaker. He is a two-time TED talk speaker, with one of his talks surpassing 2 million views. Adam is the founder and curator of, and creator of the documentary film, Broke Busted & Disgusted. His passion is helping people build a bigger life, not a bigger lifestyle. See more at QUESTIONS I ASK ADAM What did you learn from your $10,000 experiment on your kids? How do we cultivate Owners Mentality in ourselves and our people?   What is the biggest mindset shift you think we as individuals need to make? What do you mean by building a bigger life not a bigger lifestyle? KEY POINTS BY ADAM CARROLL   I think the biggest mistake is we wait. We wait for other people to recognise our greatness instead of claiming our greatness and helping other people see it. I've always in my life held high intention but low attachment. I