Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 091: Adam Goldberg



It is a fortunate few who not only love what they do, but also help others in the process. For over twenty decades, New York educator Adam Goldberg has done just that with music. As a teacher at PS 177Q in Fresh Meadows, Queens, he expands the world of children with learning challenges by utilizing iPads and a slew of music creation apps like GarageBand and iKaossilator. At the New York public school, Adam founded the "Technology Band", a successful example of education and innovation uniting. Since their inception, the high school ensemble have performed music as complex as Chick Corea's "Space Circus" and have also been featured on FOX News and NPR. Here's to Adam Goldberg for heralding the power of music. More information on Adam Goldberg and the PS177Q Technology Band: MacProVideo Hub articles:                                         NPR series (in three parts):