Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 062: Kiran Gandhi



Drummer. Feminist. Activist. Badass. Kiran Gandhi occupies these labels and also defies and expands them to her liking. Kiran is in constant motion from studying at Georgetown University to obtaining a Harvard MBA while simultaneously touring with M.I.A. to crafting a stint as Interscope Records' first digital analyst. She's also spoken at TEDxBrooklyn on her "Atomic Living" concept of finding multiple pillars that you're passionate about and then choosing the various moments and opportunities that arise to support them. Most recently, one of Kiran's pillars, gender equality, went viral in August of 2015. She ran the London marathon sans sanitary protection to give voice to "sisters who don't have tampons" and to end "period shaming". Post-race pictures display Kiran proudly posing with clear evidence of her menstrual cycle in effect. Yeah, just another day in the life of a badass. In 2016, Kiran will bring that same rebellious spirit to her debut album. Visit Kiran Gandhi online: