Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 044: Daniel Bazán, Jr.



The upward trajectory of R&B singer/composer/producer Daniel Bazán, Jr. is undeniable. An alumnus of NYU's acclaimed Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music. Check! Profile in JAY Z’s Life + Times magazine. Check! Performances at SOB's and Pianos in New York City. Check! These exciting milestones are merely the evidence of hard work and talent from this Queens native. Raised in the Dominican Republic, Daniel started playing the piano at the age of eleven which led to him defining his craft in churches, schools and cultural centers before a return to his birthplace. Eventual forays into jazz and hip-hop were integral stepping stones to the artist he is today. After a recent rebranding, Daniel is crafting a new chapter that finds his music style more soulful with an underpinning of jazz chops. His recently released demo "Wrong For You" is a glorious example. In addition to music, Daniel's also a distinctive photographer with a beautifully-curated and well-respected Instagram account. Daniel Bazán, Jr. is defini