Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 012: Jerry Weber



Paste Magazine once declared Jerry's Records "The Best Place To Spot World-Renowned Crate Diggers—And Nab a Bargain At The Same Time" in their list of the 17 Coolest Record Stores in America. All true! Ben Folds swings by when he's in town and I can personally attest to the affordability. Its namesake, Jerry Weber has been providing a sanctuary for vinyl junkies and newbies for over 30 years. The Pittsburgh institution currently boasts over 2.5 million records, making it the largest store that only sales used vinyl. If you don't live in the Pittsburgh area, a road trip should be in your future. I call shotgun! Jerry's Records is featured in the sumptuous coffee table book Dust and Grooves: Adventures in Record Collecting, complied by photographer & vinyl collector Eilon Paz. The updated 2nd edition was recently released in November 2014.            Find out more: Jerry's Records online: