Whatcha Gonna Do? The Hulk Hogan Movie Podcast

76 - When We Even Added a French Arch



This week we’re back with part two of our Suburban Commando coverage.  For regular listeners, that’s about all we need to say.  Any regular listener just wants us to cut this bullcrap short, so they just get to the episode and stop just reading about it.  Any regular listener already got their diagnosis: It’s Suburban Commando Fever, and they know the cure.  So to them I say, stop reading right here, lie back on your cot, press Play, and relax.  You’re gonna feel better in no time. But to any new listener, first we say welcome.  Secondly, a bit of background is probably in order.  What you’re gonna hear on this show is a couple of velvet-voiced old pros talking into sturdy, American-made microphones about the film career of Hulk Hogan.  Honestly, yes, it’s a simple concept, so simple you might wonder why nobody thought of it before.  Of course, a rocket that just shoots straight up is a pretty simple idea, too, but it took a true craftsman to land it on a little grey rock we call the Moon.  So in a nutshell,