Whatcha Gonna Do? The Hulk Hogan Movie Podcast

73 - When We Eat like Kings



The hiatus is over.  We’re ready to jump back in the saddle and talk about some Hulk Hogan movies again.  But first we’ve got to settle in and reset ourselves.  You see, when a man spends six months in the wilderness, six months fighting the roughest terrain Mother Earth’s got to throw at him, six months chasing the most elusive of quarry – his own true self – well, then a man can’t just jump off a train and right back into his old life.  No, he’s got to make sure that his dogs still recognize his scent, that his children still know his voice, that his wife has been lighting a candle in the windowsill every night like she promised, that his cousin Andy hasn’t been sneaking over to play video games again.  So that’s what we’re doing this week.  We’re settling back in, trading our road-worn rags for a robe and slippers, wrapping up some old business, and setting the table for Suburban Commando.  Don’t miss it.   Follow us on Twitter @WGDPod Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/WGDPod Email us at WGDPod@gmail.com C